27 Jul, 2024

Latest News

9 mins read

Fun and Engaging Montessori Language Activities for Students of All Ages!

Determining how to initiate language and literacy activities with one's child at home may present a challenge. While a plethora of resources and tools are readily available, their utility may vary. As a result, the Montessori method is implemented. Lessons from Dr. Maria Montessori may be implemented domestically to foster language development and literacy throughout […]

Features and Events

8 mins read

Rulebook Revolution: Navigating the Exciting Landscape of Education Legislation

Before delving into the topic of education legislation, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the significance of this legislation in determining the educational environment. In the realm of education, legislation serves as the pillar; it establishes the guidelines for how schools operate, how teachers instruct, and how students acquire knowledge. It has […]